Sunday, April 30, 2006

Express your outrage about genocide


Today, the Save Darfur coalition will hold a mass rally in Washington to focus public outrage on the genocide in Darfur. But, although the rally will be large, it appears the numbers won't be sufficient to make a truly powerful statement -- unless more demonstrators travel to Washington at the last minute.

One has to ask: Why is there so little public passion about the massive Darfur killing? Read the full story >>>

1 comment:

Atlantic Review said...

Thank you so much for your hard work publishing so many news reports every week!

I am in Europe and can't attend the Darfur rallies across the U.S. on April 30th. Therefore I have organized an online rally for Darfur together with many other German Bloggers.

I blog for the Atlantic Review, a press digest on transatlantic affairs edited by three German Fulbright Alumni.