Saturday, February 28, 2009

Justice is going to Darfur


Anonymous said...

you are not dream..
yes for Justice but for the real maker of genocide (israeal) not for Al basheer

Anonymous said...

[you are not dream..
yes for Justice but for the real maker of genocide (israeal) not for Al basheer]

Justice is universal. It does not matter what is your nationality. Justice is justice. Al-Bashir masterminded genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. He will be punished for that.

Anonymous said...

Any justice to speak? I condemn the sentencing and release of the accused as a criminal without even a decision of the judges to accept the request of the prosecution. The same act that the plaintiff is a political activist mobilize support for their cause through the mobilization of political support. So, my friend that there was a former international justice on them to consider the real crimes that have occurred and occur every day in the Gaza Strip instead of the diligence in the procurement of witnesses and the film debut to condemn Sudan