Monday, June 29, 2020

حركة/جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة: ادانة و استنكار تصريحات والي جنوب دارفور بتشجيع استمرار ارتكاب جرائم حرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية باستخدام العتاد الحربي الحكومي في الفترة 28/12/2019 - 28/06/2020

الحرية، العدل، السلام، الديمقراطية. 

تدين و تستنكر حركة و جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة بشدة جرائم ضد الانسانية و الانتهاكات النكراء ضد اَي مواطن سوداني برئ. 

كما تدين و تستنكر الحركة بشدة جرائم حرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية التي ارتكبتها و ما زالت ترتكبها مليشيات المجلس السيادي و مجلس الوزراء و قوى الحرية و التغيير في خلال ستة اشهر الماضي مستخدما فيها العتاد الحربي الحكومي مع تواطؤ تام من الحكومة الانتقالية. 

في اجتماع مع اليوناميد بتاريخ 15/06/2020 اكد والي جنوب دارفور هاشم خالد محمود استعداد القوات النظامية لمهاجمة معسكر كلمة للنازحين  قهراً وقسرا بحجة جمع السلاح و القبض على المتفلتين. فالمفروض من الوالي ان يبادر بجمع السلاح و القبض على المنفلتين في جميع ارجاء دارفور و السودان عامة منذ نهاية العهد البائد. و لكن تواصلت استخدام العتاد العسكري الحكومي في ارتكاب سلسلة من الإنتهاكات من القتل والإغتصاب و إتلاف المزارع و حرق المنازل و اختطاف و نزوح الأهالي في دارفور و كردفان و الشرق و أماكن اخرى من ارجاء الوطن. 

فهذا جزء من جرائم الحرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية في هذه الفترة من ديسمبر حتى يومنا هذا:

١-  في يوم 29/12/2019 تم مجزرة معسكر كرنديك للنازحين  بالجنينة استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

 ٢- 30/12/2019  اختطاف نازحين و تعذيبهم بمعسكر نيرتتي استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

٣- في يوم 20/01/2020 وقع مجزرة ميرشينج استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب.

٤- في يوم 27/02/2020 ارتكاب جريمة طور كولمى بزالنجي استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

٥- في يوم 08/03/2020 مجزرة حجير تونو و قرية دوانة بجنوب نيالا استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

٦- و في يوم 28/03/2020 وقعت جرائم كنابي بمنطقة المعيلق بالجزيرة استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

٧- في يوم 21/04/2020 مجزرة تمربول جميل بشمال شرق زالنجي استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

٨- و في يوم 05/05/2020 وقعت حادثة محلية ميرم بغرب كردفان ضد نازحين من دولة جنوب السودان استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب. 

٩- و في يوم 06/05/2020 وقعت احداث دامية بين الفلاتة و الرزيقات استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و إفلات من العقاب.

١٠- و في يوم 10/05/2020 حصلت جرائم وادي موروندو ضد نازحي معسكر الحصاحيصا استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب. 

١١- و في يوم 11/05/2020 حصلت احداث كسلا بين عناصر من بعض المكونات السكانية لقبيلتي البني عامر و بعض الأيدي الأجنبية من طرف والنوبة و من دارفور من طرف اخر استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب. 

 ١٢-و في يوم 12/05/2020 وقع الهجوم الدموي الغادر بمدينة كادوقلي استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

 ١٣-و بتاريخ 21/05/2020 ارتكبت المليشيات المسلحة مجازر ضد نازحين في منظقة بورن  استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

١٤-و بتاريخ 21/05/2020 ارتكبت المليشيات المسلحة بقيادة المدعو (فكة) جرائم ضد مواطني قريتي دنقلا و كرمي غرب روكرو استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

١٥- و يوم 26/05/2020 ارتكبت المليشيات الحكومية جرائم ضد المواطنين العزل بمناطق بركة سايرة بسريف عمرة استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

١٦- و يوم 03/06/2020 أطلقت المليشيات الحكومية الأعيرة الحية تجاه المزارعين لمنعهم بمنطقة كونا شرق عين فرح بالقرب من كتم و السلاح حكومي. 

١٧-و يوم 13/06/2020 ارتكبت المليشيات الحكومية جرائم فظيعة ضد المواطنين الأبرياء بمناطق شوبا و مرقوبة بالقرب من مدينة كبكابية و أيضا استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

١٨- و يوم 22/06/2020 ارتكبت المليشيات الحكومية جرائم فظيعة ضد المواطنين الأبرياء بمناطق ماري شمال شرق مدينة كتم استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

١٩-و منذ 28/06/2020 ما زالت المليشيات الحكومية ترتكب الجرائم الفظيعة في معسكر السلام خور رملة بمدينة نيرتيتي استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك إفلات من العقاب.

٢٠- و ما زالت المليشيات الحكومية مواصلة في ارتكاب الجرائم البشعة ضد المدنيين العزل مستخدما استخدم فيها العتاد العسكري الحكومي و هناك مع علم الحكومة الانتقالية. 

فهذه الإعتداءات المتكررة عمل ممنهج و منظم في ارتكاب جرائم حرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية و تطهير عرقي ضد المواطنين العزل. 

على الحكومة الانتقالية المسؤولية الكاملة لحماية المواطنين العزل و جمع الأسلحة من المليشيات الحكومية و القبض علي الجناة وتقديمهم للمحاكمة و الإسراع في تقديم مرتكبي جرائم حرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية و الإبادة الجماعية الي المحكمة الجنائية الدولية. 

كما تدعو حركة/جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة كل الاطراف المشاركين في العملية التفاوضية مع المجلس العسكري و حكومة قحت القيام بمسؤولياتهم الأخلاقية تجاه ضحايا جرائم حرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية و جرائم التطهير العرقي في الوقت الذي تعطي الحكومة الانتقالية الضوء الأخضر لمليشياتها باستخدام العتاد العسكري الحكومي. 

اللهم يرحم و يغفر الشهداء  
عاجل الشفاء للجرحى و المصابين 

وأنها لثورة حتى النصر

احمد ويلنكوي
الامين الاعلامي و الناطق الرسمي
حركة جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة

حركة/ جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة: نداء الي جماهير الحركة و الشعب السوداني عامة بمناسبة مليونية 30 يونيو


الحرية، العدل، السلام، الديمقراطية. 

يؤكد رئيس حركة/ جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة المحامي/ علي هارون دود و أعضاء الهيئة القيادية وقوفهم الكامل وراء مطالب لجان المقاومة و مطالب أسر الشهداء و المفقودين و مطالب الشعب السوداني عامة. 

و يدعو رئيس الحركة كافة جماهير الحركة و الشعب السوداني بالالتزام بالسلمية عند مشاركتهم في مليونية 30 يونيو بمطالبة حقوقهم العادلة المتمثلة في الحرية، العدل، السلام، الديمقراطية. 

المجد والخلود لشهداء الحرية والكرامة
عاجل الشفاء للجرحي والمصابين
الحريّة للأسرى والمعتقلين الأبطال

ساعدوا من تعب و لا تنسوا كماماتكم. 

 احمد ويلنكوي
امين الاعلام و الناطق الرسمي
حركة / جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة
لندن 29/06/2020

Sunday, June 28, 2020


Kuttum – February 5th, 2013, Islamist radicals suspected to be coming from Mali were seen in Kuttum market in North Darfur, eyes witnesses told Radio Diversity. The Islamist militants were first seen in Kuttum on Monday February 4th. The eyes witnesses asserted that the militants were unlike the janjaweed they used to see in those areas. They seem to be unfamiliar to the area as they were asking the locals about the market.


One eye witness claimed "they are total strangers in the area".


Eye witnesses reported that they were wearing black clothes with heavily armed green 4 wheel Land Cruiser vehicles. They have Dushkas and other heavy arms.


Another eye witness reported that the strangers came with 3 Land Cruisers and the number of the militants in each vehicle was estimated between 20 and 30 people.


The local people confirmed that some of the militants were hospitalized in Damra Sheik Abdelbagi, a well-known Arab settlement, about 5km to the west of Kuttum. The other group settled in Boa Turmis area, north Kassab IDPs camp.


The residents of Kassab IDPS camp were terrified when the Islamist militants passed by their camp.


Eye witnesses said antanov war planes have been hovering above Kuttum areas since the arrival of the militants and the government force in the town of Kuttum seems to be at alert. But no official commented on the arrival of the new strangers in the area.


In the past, Sudan announced that about more than hundred Sudanese jihadists went to Mali to fight against infidels.


The Islamist militants who had held some cities in Mali for nearly a year were chased away by the continuing French military offensive. Now, they are starting to re-group and seek safe heaven in Darfur.

Arabs Pile Into Darfur To Take Land 'Cleansed' By Janjaweed (reposted)

Arabs Pile Into Darfur To Take Land 'Cleansed' By Janjaweed

An internal UN report, obtained by The Independent, shows that up to 30,000 Arabs have crossed the border in the past two months. Most arrived with all their belongings and large flocks. They were greeted by Sudanese Arabs who took them to empty villages cleared by government and janjaweed forces.

By Steve Bloomfield, Africa Correspondent

Published: 14 July 2007

Arabs from Chad and Niger are crossing into Darfur in "unprecedented" numbers, prompting claims that the Sudanese government is trying systematically to repopulate the war- ravaged region.

One UN official said the process "appeared to have been well planned". The official continued: "This movement is very large. We have not seen such numbers come into west Darfur before."

The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, sent a team to the border with Chad at the end of May to interview the new arrivals. Fighting in eastern Chad has been steadily increasing and it was thought that many could be refugees. But only a very small number have required support from UNHCR.

"Most have been relocated by Sudanese Arabs to former villages of IDPs (internally displaced people) and more or less invited to stay there," said the UN official.

The arrivals have been issued with official Sudanese identity cards and awarded citizenship, and analysts say that by encouraging Arabs from Chad, Niger and other parts of Sudan to move to Darfur the Sudanese government is making it "virtually impossible" for displaced people to return home.

James Smith, chief executive of the Aegis Trust, said the revelations proved that the Sudanese government was "cynically trying to change the demographics of the whole region", adding: "If the ethnic cleansing has been consolidated because the land has been repopulated it will become irreversible. The peace process will fall to pieces."

Repopulation has also been happening in south Darfur where Arabs from elsewhere in Sudan have been allowed to move into villages that were once home to local tribes. Aid agency workers said the Arabs were presented as "returning IDPs".

Before the conflict started in 2003, Darfur was home to seven million people, mainly from three African tribes, Fur, Marsalit and Zargahwa. Darfur literally translates as "Land of the Fur". But some 2.5 million have now been forced to flee their homes after attacks by Sudanese troops and planes, and Arab militia on horseback known as janjaweed.

Most are now in camps around Darfur's main towns, relying on handouts from international aid agencies. About 250,000 have become refugees in Chad. A further 1.5 million have been affected by the conflict, meaning at least four million people are now reliant on the 80 or so international aid agencies in the region. More than 200,000 people are believed to have been killed so far during the four-and-a-half-year conflict.

And if Khartoum is moving Arabs from abroad to replace them, diplomats fear that Darfur rebels may try to remove them forcibly. "It could be quite explosive," said one western diplomat. "It is a very serious situation."

Nomadic Arab tribes have been crossing the border between Chad and Sudan for centuries, long before lines were drawn on a map. It is normal for tribes to follow the rains from west to east and back again, searching for fertile grazing land for their cattle. Straight lines carve out the northern borders of the five countries which spread across the Sahel, taking no notice of traditional tribal links and nomadic routes.

In Mauritania and Su

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Refugees from Chad add to Darfur strife (reposted)

The date of the article is August 26, 2007
By Edmund Sanders, Tribune newspapers: Los Angeles Times; Times staff writer Maggie Farley contributed to this reportCHICAGO TRIBUNE

Three years after it was burned to the ground, the village of Tulus in Darfur is springing back to life.

Corn and sesame sprout from fertile fields. Children play around newly built huts. Smoke from cooking fires again rises from the land.

Problem is, those rebuilding Tulus are not the original inhabitants, who were chased away by pro-government Sudanese militias in 2004 and are afraid to return. Instead, their place has been taken by Arabs from Chad, who recently crossed the border to flee violence in their country.

"It's comfortable here," said Sheik Algooni Mohammed Zeean, 42, leader of 150 Chadian Arabs who in March settled on a grassy plain near the ruins of the village's abandoned homes and school. Gesturing toward the fields bearing their first harvest in Sudan, he smiled. "I feel like this is my home now."

Over the past six months, nearly 30,000 Chadian Arabs have crossed into Sudan, many of them settling on land owned by Darfur's pastoral tribes that were driven into displacement camps, aid groups say.

This migration has become the latest obstacle to peace in western Sudan, drawing the attention of international observers and protests from those displaced from Darfur, who accuse the Sudanese government of orchestrating "Arabization" by repopulating burned-out villages with foreigners.

'A government plot'

"This is a government plot to give our land to Chadian Arabs," said Mohammed Abakar Mohammed Adam, 27, a farmer from the village of Bechabecha, which was abandoned after armed nomadic tribes known as janjaweed, believed to be backed by the government, attacked in 2003.

The Darfur conflict began in early 2003 when rebels attacked government forces to protest the poor resources and services in the neglected area. The regime in Khartoum, dominated by Sudanese Arabs, is accused of stirring up ethnic hatred by arming militias to attack villages that supported the rebels.

U.S. officials have labeled the government's campaign genocide. An estimated 200,000 people have died, mostly from disease and hunger in the early days of the crisis.

The influx of Chadian Arabs reflects the conflict's spread over the border, where similar ethnic clashes are destabilizing eastern Chad. In the past year, nearly 50,000 Chadian refugees have sought shelter in Darfur, though many of the earlier arrivals were not Arab and settled in refugee camps.

Helping the Arabs

Government officials have said little about the recent influx. Sudanese Arab leaders in West Darfur are welcoming the Chadian Arabs, directing them to the vacated land and assisting them with supplies. They insist they are simply helping their Arab kin at a time of crisis and that the newcomers will return to Chad as soon as it's safe.

But for some displaced Tulus villagers, now living less than 20 miles away, news that strangers are farming their land has brought suspicion and anguish.

"That is our land," said Miriam Yahya Ahmed, 60. "Those people should go."

In Tulus, she lived on a small farm with fields of corn and peanuts. Now she struggles to nurture a few dozen corn stalks on a dirt patch behind her straw hut.

International humanitarian groups worry that disputes over the land might reignite violence in western Darfur and lead to further delays in resolving the region's massive displacement crisis, with more than 2 million people driven from their homes.

"The mere presence of people on this land will make it more difficult for [displaced persons] to return home," said Ita Schuette, head of the Habillah branch of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

West Darfur's Gov. Abu Gasim Imam, a former rebel commander whose group signed last year's controversial peace deal with the government, said he plans to dispatch about 1,000 troops to keep the peace. He expressed solidarity with displaced Darfur residents and said the Chadians should be relocated to refugee camps.

Some Chadians might be legitimate refugees, he said, but suggested others had ulterior motives and might be working with Sudanese Arabs.

"This is not simply a refugee crisis," he said. "It's a strategic attempt to occupy land."

Some Chadian Arabs appear to be digging in. A group of about 300 who arrived in Tulus before the most recent wave initially identified themselves to UN interviewers as Chadian. Earlier in August, their sheik changed his story, claiming the group was from Darfur.

"We're Sudanese," said Sheik Ismail Mohammed Shein, 57. "This is our land. We are not leaving."

Monday, June 15, 2020

ادانة و استنكار الإنتهاكات المتواصلة من قبل مليشيات الحكومة في منطقة شوبا ومرقوبة قري كبكابية

الحرية، العدل، السلام، الديمقراطية. 

تدين و تستنكر حركة /جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة بشدة الانتهاكات النكراء التي ارتكبتها مليشيات المجلس السيادي و مجلس الوزراء و قوى الحرية و التغيير ضد المواطنين العزل في منطقة شوبا جنوب كبكابية ومرقوبة شمال غرب مدينة كبكابية مع سكوت تام من الحكومة الانتقالية علما بأن أحد الجناة هو ابن العمدة غبشه وهو عمده اولاد زيد التي تسكن منطقة شوبا منذ نزوح أهلها. 

مع تزايد وتيرة الإعتداءات علي المزارعين والمواطنين العزل فقد ارتكبت المليشيات المسلحة بتاريخ 13/06/2020 جرائم وإنتهاكات فظيعة من ضرب مبرح و إهانة و اذلال للمواطنين و اتلاف كامل لمزارعهم. فقد اصيب عدد من المواطنين بجروح متفاوتة بعضهم خطيرة.

و المصابين من منطقة شوبا هم:
١- حليمة ادم شطة
٢- مريم عبذالمولى محمد
٣- ادريس ادم تره
٤- هنا حسن
٥- عبدالواحد حسن
٦- فتحية عبدالله صالح 
٧- مكة بشار  اسماعيل 
٨- فائزة ادم محمد 
٩- كلتومة عبدالمولى

اما المصابين من منطقة مرقوبة هم:
١- ادم عبدالله ابكر
٢- ريان احمد ابراهيم
٣-  ادم محمود اسحق
٤- محمد آدم اسماعيل 

فهذه الإعتداءات المتكررة من قبل مليشيات الحكومة عمل ممنهج و منظم لتجويع المواطنين واذلالهم.
على الحكومة الانتقالية المسؤولية الكاملة لحماية المواطنين العزل و القبض علي الجناة وتقديمهم للمحاكمة. 

كما تدعو حركة/جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة كل الاطراف المشاركين في العملية التفاوضية مع المجلس العسكري و حكومة قحت القيام بمسؤولياتهم الأخلاقية تجاه ضحايا جرائم الحرب و جرائم ضد الانسانية و جرائم التطهير العرقي. 

عاجل الشفاء للجرحى و المصابين.  
وأنها لثورة حتى النصر

احمد ويلنكوي
الامين الاعلامي و الناطق الرسمي
حركة جيش تحرير السودان المتحدة

Thursday, June 11, 2020

This is the start

This blessing is all yours. Enjoy it and use it. It can help you and help others


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

United Sudan Liberation Movement: Ali Kushayb is in ICC custody

Freedom, Justice, Peace, Democracy.

Justice for the victims of the heinous crimes, that has been patiently waited for by the people of Darfur, is now imminent. 

The suspected Ali Muhammad Ali Abd–Al-Rahman (Ali Kushayb) surrendered on June 9th, 2020. He is now in the hands of justice in The Hague. He was indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Darfur. The arrest warrant, listing 50 counts on the basis of his individual criminal responsibility, was issued on 27 April 2007. 

United Sudan Liberation Movement/Army welcomes the arrest of one of the notorious and brutal criminals who committed the worst crimes against innocent civilians in Darfur. 

We reiterate our unconditionally support to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to investigate, indict and prosecute anyone, Sudanese government officials, militia allied to the Sudanese government or movement parties, who committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide as well as the crime of aggression in Darfur.

We urge The Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the civilian authority to hand over Omer el-Bashir, Abdulrahim Mohamed Hussein and Ahmed Haroun  to the International Criminal Court who have likewise been indicted for committing gross crimes.

We are open to cooperate, if requested, with the International Criminal Court to ensure justice for victims of mass atrocity crimes and help end impunity in Darfur.

Amed Weelingkwe

The spokesman

United Sudan Liberation Movement 

London June 9th, 2020

Tell:    +44 7448 457847


United Sudan Liberation Movement: Statement about racism in wake of George Floyd’s death

Freedom, Justice, Peace, Democracy.

The world witnessed with great concern the disturbing social unrest as protests have erupted across the United States following the death of Mr George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in police custody.

Systemic racism has to stop whether it is in the United States of America, Sudan or somewhere else.We must be guided by the essential principle that all people are equal and should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of race, gender, religion or ethnicity.

As we feel  deep sadness, profound anger and pain watching  the indigenous Sudanese people being killed on a daily basis due to Arabo-political islam racism, we similarly feel the remorse and anger watching black people being murdered in the USA. 

The issues of inequality, racism, discrimination and commission of heinous crimes against civilians can not be ignored. They must be combated. 

The chairman Ali Haroun Dood and the leadership council of the United Sudan Liberation Movement extend their heartfelt condolences to the people of The United State of America and the family of Mr George Floyd. We in Sudan know how it feels to lose loved ones. War crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide have been committed against millions of innocent people in Darfur, Nuba Mountain, Blue Niles, the former South Sudan and The Eastern Sudan. 

We urge the human rights activists and the international community at large not to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure humiliation, racism and heinous crimes as it is currently the case in Darfur.

No place for heinous crimes, racism and discrimination.  

Amed Weelingkwe

The spokesman

United Sudan Liberation Movement 

London June 8th, 2020

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Tuesday, June 09, 2020

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To keep your skin looking younger, it is essentially indispensable that you practice good skin care basics. Proper hydration, moisturization, and diet help protect your skin.
Hi everybody,
I am Amed Weelingkwe and today I am going to share with you First 6 surprisingly simple secrets to naturally get rid of wrinkles on the face, chest and neck areas to keep your best looks without side effects.

1) Drink enough water
Drink about eight glasses of water on a daily basis. Ensure that you drink enough water. If you have a hard time drinking enough water, add slices of lemon, orange or cucumber for a refreshing aroma and drink green tea.
2) Eat right food
Proper diet can make a huge difference to your skin. Eat food that is rich with antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E. Vegetables and fruits should form essential part of your diet! When shopping for groceries don't forget blueberries, raspberries, spinach, kale, and kiwis , walnuts and beans like kidneys and pintos. They are best sources of antioxidants.
3) Avoid smoking
Avoid or quit smoking at all costs as it not only causes cancer but also the combination of the chemicals and nicotine increases skin damage and wrinkels..;
4) Avoid the sun
Avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Sun exposure is considered one of the main causes for increasing wrinkles.. Wearing sunglasses when going out will protect you from skin cancer and help prevent wrinkles at the same time.

5) Use non-toxic moisturizers
Avoid excessive use of lotions and creams as they are full of chemicals which damage your skin. Instead, use simple oils such as argan, coconut, jojoba or olive oils which are very moisturizing, full of antioxidants, and natural anti-inflammatory.

6) Get enough sleep

Sleeping helps repair the damage of the skin that occur during the day. Lack of sleep aggravates skin conditions including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. And here comes beauty sleep to fill the gaps.
If you like these tips, please share, comment or like. I would love to read your insights.
Amed Weelingkwe